This the start of my new goal blog! I first started this blog for mothers to read, set goals, ask ?'s and to basically get support from other mother's out there that maybe struggle with the same things. Well, No one got on, so I stopped the blog.
I have now realized that "It Just doesn't matter!" (yes that is the famous speech from Meatballs) I was feeling good when I was setting goals. I also do better at accomplishing goals when they are written down. I still want to be able to help other's out there feel better to.
SO instead of just making this blog for mother's, I want anyone to benefit from setting goals. To be honest, I've never been good at goal setting. I've tried "New Years Resolutions!" I'll do good for a couple of weeks, then slowly fade out to, Oh Well, Maybe next year! I finally stopped making them. This year I didn't make any, but wanted to improve in certain areas of my life. Well I'm in my 7th month of constant regular exercising and is finally loosing weight.
I started thinking that weekly goal setting sounds easier than trying to make a couple of big start of the year goals that don't always last. So that is what this blog is going to be. Little weekly goals that will maybe get my life and home in order. I never make goals to hard, but I make goals that I feel good about, so that's what I want you to do as well. You can do this with me, or Not, but right now for me, It's working!!!
This is going to be a week of not a lot of goals. My husband has this week off and I really just want to do a couple of fun family things. There is some things in my home that need to get done though.
1. Clean Family room carpets. I don't think we can go 1 day without the kids spilling drinks or smashing food into our carpets. I just vacuumed under our couches and I couldn't believe what was under them. Grapes that were turning into raisins, wrappers, food, pens, crayons. You get the idea! It's so gross! It's not like we never clean under them either. Every week we do this and every week it's the same.
2. Kids Bathroom. This room does not get cleaned very often, because it doesn't get used that much. It's amazing how dirty it gets even when it's not being used. Well rings around the tub and toliet, means yuck!
"JUST DO IT!" This has taken me a long time to figure out, but I finally did! I feel good about myself for the first time in 12 years. If you are like me, then sitting on the couch eating food, that's not good for you, is much easier then getting off your butt to do physical activity. Well physical activity is now "my out" and "my mommy time!" It's also a way to clear my head and for 45-min to 1hr not think about anything else.
I want you to know that you don't have to be discouraged when loosing weight. I Hate
fab diets. I've never done them and probably never will. You have the only protein diet, the No carb diets, the give yourself shots diets. I could go on and on, but won't! I love Carbs and Yes I know that they are not good for you! I also No that cutting them completely, is not good either! You can loose weight cutting them out of your diet, but you can also gain weight back faster when you choose to eat them again. I have seen this many times in friends and family, then you have to start all that hard work over again.
So I have chosen to loose weight slowly and maybe, just maybe I will keep it off longer. When you have to work extra hard for things, you seem to appreciate them more. I'm not saying, eat what you want and exercise, because you do have cut carbs. I have cut breads and sugars to an extent. When I eat hamburgers, hotdogs, or anything else that requires buns or bread, I choose to leave it out. If you loose the bun at a BBQ, you can eat the salads and other yummy things that might be staring you in the face. Same with fast food. Cut the Bun and you can eat the fries!
I also love candy, and treats, and ice cream, and anything else that puts on pounds. I have not cut these either. I still eat them, but the trick is to NOT OVER DO IT! I will read the back of the labels. For example: My husband bought a big bag of M&M's at Sam's club. (I love them) There is like 210 calories for 1/4 cup or something. So I get out my 1/4 cup measuring cup and that's how much I can eat. It is a lot of work to say NO More, or even just NO! You have to train yourself and also pick your battles. Cut Portions, Cut portions, cut portions!!!! If you do this, you will loose weight and eventually get your stomach to Not need those Big portions!
Exercising is one of those things that if it's NOT FUN, you won't do it! I have found some things that have worked for me. I also only do the things I enjoy! You might have to try lots of things, but once you find the one for you, it will be easy and rewarding. The amount of time and the number of days you exercise depends on How much weight you need or want to loose. I have to still loose a lot, so I try my best to do 6 days a week, for 45-1hr. If I was single I could do more, but with kids, if you can even get in 30min, your doing good!
You will probably get discouraged at times, I know I have! But Please, please "DON'T GIVE UP!!! You will have bad weeks, but just start fresh the next week. As someone going threw this as well, I would love to help support you and answer ?'s you may have.