Okay! I haven't been very good at keeping this blog up. I've been doing the facebook thing for awhile and it's been hard to keep up on everything else. I've have recently quit all my facebook games I was playing and I have so much more time for other things now. It's been great! I actually don't feel like I have to get on my computer everyday. Granted though, I still enjoy Facebook. I love seeing what people are up to and it's quite interesting to see how people's day is going by what they post.
So I'm going to try and post some new things every once in awhile. I actually stopped this blog because I didn't think anyone even looked at it. I now realize that that is a stupid reason to stop blogging. I enjoy it and I actually was doing really good on the goals I sat for myself. I am definetly a competitive person, so when it's a challenge I actually work hard to do it. So I will keep setting goals and hopefully it will help you as well.
Now I know that everyone's goals are different. Just because these are my goals, doesn't mean they have to be your's as well. My house might be messier than someone else's, so I will try to give some ideas that maybe everyone can find useful. I need a lot of work in my house and having it be summer with all my kids home means my house is a lot messier than normal. So that's why you set just a few goals to work on a week. That leaves you plenty of time to still take your kids to the pool or park, but feel better about your living situation.
1. Make my kids pick up there own messes. Okay this one isn't going to be easy, because my kids are ones that as I clean a room, they bring more toys and messes in right after me. But I think it's important that they learn responsibility and hard work. Plus if they want to go to the pool or park, then they need to help around the house so mommy has more time for fun. This is a good goal for working moms to. I think you could set a goal for them to have 1 or 2 rooms cleaned and picked up before you get home and then if they do it, you could plan something fun when you have a day off. It's a win, win for everyone, if only kids were easier to teach that to.
2. Some of my closets could use a good clean out. So my goal number 2 is to take 2 of my messiest closets and give them a good organizing clean. You know in the movies where people open a closet and everything falls out at them, well I think I'll start with those ones. Okay mine aren't that bad, but closets are one of those things in your house that you throw anything you don't know what to do with in, because you can close the door and pretend like it's not there. Maybe everyone doesn't do that, but I'll be honest and admit that we do.
3. I don't know if I should set a number 3, but I'm going to. This will probably not be a goal for anyone else, but it's one for me. I just had a yard sale last weekend with my family and I sold a lot of things, but what me and family didn't sale ended up in my garage. I've been needing to get it to DI for over a week now and haven't made it yet. So my #3 is to clean out the garage. Maybe some of you need to clean out yours to, I don't know. I do know that my husband probably wants to get his car back in the garage. If yours isn't clutter, then maybe you could just give it a good sweep or spray out.
I'll admit I haven't been as good on the cleaning goals, but the exercising goals have been a must. I've had weeks where I could only do 2 or 3 times a week, but for the most part I've done 6 days. It's been going slow, but I have lost 25lbs so far. So that gives me the incentive to keep going. I've run 1 5k and was supposed to do another one, but missed it, because I didn't know when it was, obviously and did the yard sale instead. I'm still a litte upset over it, but now I know I have to sign up for another race. It was the race that I signed up for early in the year and it was the reason I kept training and working hard. I've done it long enough though, that even though I missed it, I still have found a liking for exercising. I can't say I love it yet, but I think most people would say that!
I don't do the same routine everyday and that has helped a lot in the keep doing it everyday situation. These are the exercising things I do and maybe they will be ones you might want to try.
Running/walking- I haven't done this in a couple of weeks, because I can't go in the mornings and It's hard for me to go at night. I use to go when my husband got home but it has gotten to hot.
Turbo Jam- I do love this work out. If you need to work on abs, then this is a good one to try. I bought this in the middle of the night when me and my husband was at a hotel and I couldn't sleep. I never have used it up until a couple of months ago, but it has like 6 different work outs on 2 DVD's. I do the cardio Party, the Ab jam, Strength Training and if I'm short on time I'll do the 20 min burn. It's definetly one that if I forget to stretch afterwards then I'm feeling it later.
Wii Fit- Okay I'll admit it, this workout is fun, but the body test before the workout is a little depressing. When you get on and they tell you your Obesse and then they give you these balance tests to test your mind and body and sometimes your not very good at it.. Then they present you with your AGE and they tell you that your way older then you are and that your body is kind of weak. Those are the times you want to throw it against the wall and tell it to BE Quiet. I have learned to ignore the body test and just have fun working out. Since I can't run outside, I usually start with the free run for 20-30 min. If you have the Wii, then this is a good game to get for not only you, but your kids to. Your kids can play the fun games and not really know there working out, it's great!!!!
Bike riding- This is something I have resently taken up as well. You can go a lot farther in less time then running, so if you want to be outside, but maybe don't have as much time, then get on the bike. Just make sure you buy one or put on your own, a softer seat. I finally did and it has made all the difference on how far I can go. I also just bought a bike trailer and my kids love it! I took them on 4 bike rides just in the first week. If you have little kids that can't ride bikes yet, then this is a good investment. I have found that I can ride my bike to a lot of places that normally I would just get in my car and drive to.
Up until this year, I never exercised. That is why I got to my heaviest and realized that something needed to change. I was tired of summer coming and feeling to bad to take my kids to the pool or just looking like a blimp in every picture i'm in. We took family pics last year and I hated everyone, because of how fat I looked. I almost didn't buy any, but knew I had to. It has been easier to make that a goal since I quit my job. At first I did it to get out of the house and take a break from the kids, but now I do it just to feel good about myself. I think that as we become mother's we seem to"Put mommy time in the closet and shut the door." I know I have. I have learned that my kids need my attention and time, but I need to take that 1hr of the day exercising for "Mommy Time!" I'm not saying i'm still the nicest mom, but I think when you feel good about yourself, you seem to be a somewhat nicer one.
Wish me luck on my goals and I'll wish you luck on yours! Like I say "You don't have to have the same goals as me, just try to set some." Good Luck everyone!!!!